Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Symbolism of Nonya kueh

Kueh Lapis
This kueh is made by layers which symbolises 步步高升 (bu bu gao sheng) meaning "promotion" 步步长进 (bu bu zhang jing) meaning "growing up i.e.getting mature". The number nine in chinese also sound similar to "久" (long or old). As such, these kuehs were often served on a Chinese Patriach's or Matriach's 60th birthday wishing her living 长长久久 (chang chang jiu jiu) which means wishing him/her longevity (长寿).

Ang Ku Kueh
Known as red tortoise cakes in Hokkien. It is shaped like the shell of a tortoise because it was believed then, that eating these long-living creatures would bring longevity to the person eating it.
Make for children's 1st month celebration.

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