- Place Users in the Nyonya's perspective.
- Allows users to learn & enjoy different
experience in the kitchen (not only cooking) - Users must understand why the Nyonya
need so much time in preparing the food. - Users will be guided through the whole exhibits
and understand what do they gain
more than just cooking skills.
Comments from teachers & improvised on
- Know our project directions
- Add / Find more research that relates to our topic.(not the book covers)
- "HOW WE REFLECT on our research?" - Mr Andrew
- Research and understand what is "Perut Rumah (Stomach of the House)" .
- Tell the audience on interesting contents we found.
- More research on Interactive Installations (Better if it's on Food Installations).
- State Pros and Cons of the current museum exhibitions.
- Do survey and something extra.
Our Application
- Our EXHIBITS doesn't link together
- Currently feels more like a game rather than museum exhibit.
- Not much meaning in the interactivity part.
- Have to be something better than "Role Playing" Genre.
- Application Contents:
Perut Rumah –> Nyonya's efforts into cooking –> Getting a good marriage.
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