Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Museum Talk (Part 2)

Museum image & attitude:
  1. What is a museum means to you?
    Boring... Dull... Talks...
  2. Survey done with the public on what they usually do when they are free.

    Home / Home Entertainment --- (62%)
    Shopping Centres ----------------- (55%)
    Cinemas ------------------------------ (22%)
    Cafes / F&B ------------------------- (20%)
    ...blah blah blah
    Museum ------------------------------ (1%)
  3. A museum that engage all sensors are needed.
  4. Smells and Taste exhibits are difficult to maintain and show to visitors.
  5. Why no drums were displayed when exhibits relates to drums?
    If alot visitors knocks on the drum, the museum will be very noisy.
  6. Children definately loves to dress up and some older student also like to dress up but not in front of the whole class. However, they will when they're in a small group.
  7. Exhibits that allows users to touch, they will put holes on the top(adult) and bottom(child)
  8. Prescriptions are in placed so that visitors will know which part it belongs to.
    Example: Accessories that people wear, the hat will be on top, earrings at the sides and necklace at the bottom.
  9. Role plays exhibits doesn't last long. Usually 1-2 weeks.
  10. Stamp embossment are there for kids. Usually they will have something to bring home from the museum.
  11. Enviroment / Atmosphere of the exhibits must suit the topic.
  12. Exhibits must have multiple endings.
    Example: Knowledge Skills + Empathy Purpose Eviroment = Optimal Leaning
  13. Why projections were on the walls?
    We have to "respect" the thing things that is being projected.
  14. Things to consider:
    Virtual or Reality?
    Which method to exhibits will be appropriate?
  15. On-screen and reallife experiences is different.

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